Written by on November 8, 2019

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced today that owners of secondary homes on Lake Ontario who were directly impacted by this year’s flooding and sustained damages to their homes may now apply for funding through the 2019 Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Flood Relief and Recovery Program. Up to $8 million is available, and applications will be accepted through December 10.

Residents with second homes in Cayuga, Jefferson, Monroe, Niagara, Orleans, Oswego, St. Lawrence and Wayne counties are now eligible to apply to receive up to $50,000 in state funding to help offset damages to their residences.

Applications can be found at https://hcr.ny.gov/lake-ontario-st-lawrence-river-flood-relief-and-recovery-grant-program.

• Second homeowner applications will be accepted from Nov. 6, 2019 through Dec. 10, 2019.
• Second homeowners with a qualified gross income of less than $275,000 may apply. However, priority will be given to those with a qualified gross income of $175,000 or less.
• Funding to address damages to secondary homes will be considered following fulfillment of primary residence applications, which will be given priority. Primary homeowners must have applied by the Oct. 31, 2019 deadline.

“There are many families with vacation, summer or secondary homes on Lake Ontario’s southern shore and I am pleased that a portion of the state’s recovery program will now be available to qualifying homeowners,” Hawley said. “Although we sustained historic and catastrophic flooding this year, we are making progress toward full recovery and my office is here to help with questions and concerns as we work together to rebuild and fortify our shoreline. Most importantly, please do not hesitate to apply by December 10.”

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