Master Gardeners Post Fall Programs
Written by Dan Fischer on September 23, 2020
News Release
Join the Genesee County Master Gardeners as we “Catch the Gardening Bug” this fall. We will be offering a series of noon time, gardening themed programs via Zoom. If you are looking for garden inspiration and know-how, check out these classes.
On October 1 join us for Garden Talk ‘Easy Preserving.’ Catherine, our CCE Master Food Preserver volunteer, will show us some quick and easy ways to preserve fall bounty from the garden. Catherine will demonstrate how to safely prepare infused flavored oils and flavored vinegars. She will also demonstrate how to make sauerkraut at home!
Got Dahlias? Not sure what to do with them at the end of the season? Join Master Gardener Brandie on October 15 as we explore “What to do with those Dahlias.” Brandie will explain how she manages her dahlia collection. She will cover when to dig them up, how she overwinters her dahlias and how to divide them. Get your dahlia questions answered!
October 28 finds us exploring “A Witches Garden” with Master Gardener Connie. Witches were once considered wise women and healers. They used plants they grew or found in their environment to cure ills as well as cast spells. You too may have your very own witch’s garden…come explore the folklore and plants of the witch.
This series is free and open to all. Pre-registration is required. You can register at our website After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing the link to join the program.
Future topics and other Master Gardener events will be posted on the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County website at and also on our Facebook page at Contact 585-343-3040 x101 for more information about this or other CCE programs.