Morning News Briefing
Written by Michael Baldwin on December 18, 2020
Genesee County on Thursday recorded 48 new COVID cases. Since March, the county has reported a total of 1,620 cases. The new infections involve residents from Le Roy, Batavia, Oakfield and eight other communities. Twenty-four people are currently hospitalized. Officials in Orleans County say they have confirmed 38 new positive cases and one death. In Wyoming County, 31 new cases were reported.
The New York State Department of Labor has announced the state’s $15 minimum wage phase-in will continue, with the next stage taking effect December 31. The minimum wage in Genesee County will increase to $12.50 an hour.
Independent Living of the Genesee Region, working with the Genesee County and Orleans County Departments of Social Services announces a new program to assist tenants and landlords affected by the current COVID-19 health pandemic. The Emergency Solutions Grant will provide rental assistance to individuals who are facing eviction and are unable to pay their rent due to circumstance related to the pandemic. These circumstances may include being laid off, furloughed, workplace closure, having a wage earner unable to work due to COVID-19, or being the primary care giver of someone who contracted COVID-19, or other circumstances. Contact the Department of Social Services to determine your eligibility for rental assistance.
Work has been completed on the bridge replacement over Whitney Creek on Judge Road in the Town of Alabama and the road is now reopened. A portion of Judge Road had been closed since Oct. 12 to replace the bridge, which is immediately west of Crosby Road.
Congressional lawmakers say they are nearing an agreement on a 900-billion-dollar stimulus bill that would help those affected financially by the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill would call for an extension of unemployment benefits, and would send a 600-dollar check to most Americans. On the Senate floor Thursday, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer says lawmakers are laser-focused on coming up with a consensus. Current benefits that were established in the previous COVID-19 stimulus bill will expire the day after Christmas.
On Thursday, State Police conducted an Underage Drinking Initiative that spanned two townships and three villages in Wyoming County. Three locations were found not in compliance with the laws dealing with the sale of alcohol to person under the age of 21, Warsaw Wine & Spirts, Silver Springs Convenience Store and Tracy’s Wine – N- Liquor in the village of Silver Springs. Three people now face charges.