Weekend News Brief

Written by on August 14, 2021

Cuomo is not getting impeached if he resigns as governor of New York.  The New York Legislature speaker, Carl Heastie says that the New York Constitution does not allow them to continue the impeachment investigation into Andrew Cuomo after he leaves office.  The evidence gathered during the committee’s investigation will be turned over to relevant authorities, Heastie said.  The investigation encompassed the sexual harassment allegations against Cuomo, the mishandling of COVID patients that lead to the deaths of thousands of elderly New Yorkers in Nursing Homes and the subsequent coverup of the numbers of dead, and the use of government resources to create Cuomo’s memoirs.  Governor Cuomo is set to step down the 24th.

The New York Supreme Court has ruled to block part of the Eviction Moratorium in New York State.  Landlords can now contest a tenants claim of hardship.  Previously all a tenant had to do to avoid being evicted was fill out the form claiming a hardship and that would block the eviction process.  Now they can still fill out the form but it doesn’t automatically cancel the eviction.  Landlords still have to go through the process of giving 5 day notice, then 14 day notice, then taking the tenants to court.  Tenant advocates say the moratorium is needed to stop a wave of homelessness because of COVID shutdowns while Landlords are saying there will be a wave of foreclosures if they can’t get rent money or evict non-paying tenants.

Go Health and Pampers brand Diapers are partnering up to help dads find a place to change babies in store restrooms.  A nationwide survey found that 9 out of 10 dads have gone into a public restroom unable to find a changing table. As a result, Pampers created the “Love the Change” campaign to provide changing tables to businesses and not-for-profits across the United States to install in men’s  restrooms. Pampers has already donated 3,557 changing tables, but they  are pledging to donate 1,000 more by the end of 2021.  If you are a business or non-profit owner you can apply to get a free changing table for your men’s restroom by calling the Genesee County Health Department at 5853442580 extension 5578.

The Office For the Aging is offering free handyman services to seniors who need to make improvements to their homes.  The services include installing grab bars and railings, minor plumbing, window and door repair, smoke detector and Carbon Monoxide detector installation, and other non-emergency repairs.  No charge for labor for residents 60+. Some material costs may apply. Donations towards labor costs are gratefully accepted.  Call 585 815 7979 for details.

Friday night, Seneca Park Zoo hosted another summer ZooBrew.  The 21-and-over happy hour event has live music, animal experiences, and cash beer and wine bars.  The zoo is hosting another September 10 at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $8 in advance and $10 at the door.  A portion of the ticket sales will go towards elephant conservation. The Zoo society wants to raise $5,000 for each ZooBrew event and save elephants from extinction.

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