Weekend News Brief
Written by Tom Tharp on September 10, 2022
2 more people were murdered in Rochester Friday night. 42 year old Lanard Davis was shot 3 times while in his car on Congress Ave. A woman and child were in the car with him when he was killed. Police have not made any arrests though they swarmed the area looking for the shooter. 2 hours earlier 34 year old Cory Dubois was stabbed in a fight on Angle Street and then died in the entryway to St Mary’s hospital. Mayor Malik Evans called the killings senseless saying “We need people to choose life instead of death, and we also need people to stop solving disputes that are petty and insignificant by taking innocent people’s lives.”
Tired of paying 5 cents a bag for groceries? According to a post on the Facebook page of Batavia Walmart. Walmart is done with paper bags come October 1st. All Walmarts in New York State are apparently discontinuing use of paper bags but will continue to offer reusable bags.
The spotted lantern fly, an insect that has been wreaking havoc on more than 70 plants and crops downstate, has been found in large numbers in the Buffalo area. The state agriculture department is concerned with them being so close to New York’s grape producing areas as lantern flies can have a devastating effect on grapevines. The agriculture department wants the public to report any sightings of the fly and, if possible capture and kill any they find by putting them in a bag and freezing it or putting it in a jar with rubbing alcohol for preservation. Signs of lantern fly infestation include, sap oozing from wounds on tree trunks, inch long egg masses that are brownish gray, waxy and mud like when new, and honeydew buildup under plants.
Kiwanis club of Pembroke Corfu Darien is hosting the 15th annual Car Cruise and Fall Festival on September 18th at the Pembroke Town Park. Last year, Genesee County’s premier car show attracted over 300 cars, 65 vendors, food trucks, music and raffles. Family activities include a Kids’ Car Cruise for those 8 and under, face painting, a bounce house, Big Red’s Magic Show and free train rides. Crossroads House will have a Basket Raffle. There will be the Red Cross Blood Drive. The Pembroke Community Band will be performing. Car registration is 20 dollars.
This Thursday the Genesee County Health Department is holding a free rabies immunization clinic at the Genesee County Fairgrounds. This is a drive through clinic for dogs, cats and ferrets at least 3 months old. 4 pets per car maximum. The next ones coming up will be on October 13th at the fairgrounds and October 15th at the Orleans County Fairgrounds.
GCC Foundation announced the date for their Encore Gala to raise funds for student scholarships. November 19th the theme of the Gala to be held at the William W. Stuart Forum is “A Night in Casablanca.” Sponsors who give several thousand dollars can reach levels of giving like “We’ll always have Paris,” and “Here’s looking at you kid.”