Morning News Brief
Written by Tom Tharp on July 31, 2022
Pastor Roula Alkhouri of First Presbetyrian church in Batavia another protest Saturday against the ReAwaken America Tour coming to Cornerstone Church on Bank Street Rd August 12 and 13th. The first protest was last Sunday morning outside Cornerstone Church during their Sunday service. This latest protest was in front of the Batavia City Hall. Alkhouri said “We’re not accusing anybody of being hateful. We’re just listening to their words. Listening to how they’re speaking, how they’re expressing themselves.” Alkhouri said that the words the ReAwaken America Speakers were bringing are replacing the gospel of Jesus Christ with a message of hate and violence and dividing Americans.
Rapper Pitbull was in Six Flags Darien Lake Amphitheater Sunday night for the Can’t Stop Us Now Tour but the real action was in the parking lot. Apparently a large number of fans who did not have tickets started a brawl in the parking lot around 8:30pm. The fighting spread to encompass about 150 to 200 people. Police were called in from as far away as Erie and Niagara Counties to quell the violence. According to eyewitnesses the fighting stayed confined to the parking lot and the concert was not affected, many were ejected and some arrested. Fighting was over by 10pm. There are reports of Mercy Flight called to the scene.
2 window washers had to face being stuck up the Xerox Tower in Rochester for 3 hours on Friday after their window washing platform malfunctioned and stopped moving up or down. According to the Rochester Police Department the pair were stuck halfway down the building, roughly 160 feet in the air. Firefighters were able to get access to an apartment near where they were hanging and retrieve them safely.
Kids who love dinosaurs are invited to come to the Haxton Memorial Library in Oakfield’s T-Rex party on Wednesday, at 10 am. There will be stories about dinosaurs, dinosaur dancing, and a special craft activity. And any child knows that dinosaurs were often very hungry, so snacks are also part of the program. The T-Rex Party is perfect for children ages 2-5 but everyone is invited to attend. Please call the library to register for this fun summer celebration of some prehistoric creatures! To register or for more information about the programs at the Haxton Memorial Library, please call 585-948-9900.
13 year old Thomas Keele brought a 1,089 pound steer to the auction at the Genesee County 4-H Market Thursday. He hadn’t stopped working to raise the cow even while mourning his father dying 2 months ago in an accident. Hurricane would most likely sell for 3-4 dollars a pound and help Keele and his family. Thomas was in for a surprise when members of his 4-H club fundraised to buy the steer for 31 dollars a pound. A whopping 32,670 dollars. The meat will be donated to a food bank in Holland where the Keeles live.