Morning News Brief

Written by on May 10, 2023

The American Psychological Association has issued recommendations for safeguarding children and teens from the ill effects of social media use.  The group’s new health advisory lays out insights and advice that appear aimed at parents, schools, technology companies and lawmakers.  The APA says social media use isn’t inherently good or bad for youth. And every child’s experience with it will differ based on many factors, including their maturity, home environment and social circumstances.  The APA advocates for social media literacy training for young people.  They should be taught “Digital Citizenship” in a way that helps them better spot inaccurate or harmful content, understand the signs of problematic social media use, and how to nourish healthy online relationships.

Historical groups across the state are applauding a bill included in the state’s final budget allowing them to once again use firearms in reenactments, which became illegal once the state’s new concealed carry law went into effect last September.  And it came just in time. With a lot of military gun salutes and historical battle reenactments taking place on Memorial Day, it was unclear whether these activities were going to be canceled.  The state’s new concealed carry law that passed last summer banned firearms in ‘sensitive spaces’ like public parks, where military gun salutes and historical reenactments are done.  After Sept. 1, when the law went into effect, many historical organizations across the state, including Fort Klock in Montgomery County, canceled reenactments that featured firearms because doing so was technically against the law. Those reenactments can now go forward.

Police are investigating attempted vehicle thefts at two car dealerships on West Ridge Road early Wednesday.  The Greece Police Department received a report around 12:30 a.m. about a suspicious vehicle leaving a dealership.  Officers determined at least two suspects tried to steal two Hyundais from Matthews Hyundai, but both vehicles were recovered. Police haven’t clarified whether the vehicles were actually stolen or where they were found.  Police did tell reporters that a Kia was stolen from Matthews Kia down the road. The Rochester Police Department recovered that vehicle, but it’s unclear where.  No arrests have been made.

The water levels of Lake Ontario have risen in recent weeks, and history has shown what can happen when they can get too high.  Greece Town Supervisor Bill Reilich said the lake levels will likely peak soon, avoiding any serious damage, but neighbors are still concerned.  The current lake level is just shy of 247 1/2 feet. Reilich said neighbors don’t need to be concerned unless it reaches 248.  The town has made changes since that record flooding, including investments in new sewer and storm lines that added 30 new shut-off bells on stormwater drains and a berm along Edgemere Drive.

Work crews have been busy paving the parking lot between Court Street and Jackson Street this week, completing the Jackson Street side on Wednesday, after weather delayed the work a day or two. Out of the approximately $200,000 project, 85 percent is for paving operations, and the remaining 15 percent is for milling, Public Works Director Brett Frank said.  Project funding is from Parking Lot Reserves, he said, for wear and tear that broke down the lot’s exterior.

The Genesee Chorale will present two spring concerts on May 19 and May 21, presenting the music of Ola Gjeilo in Batavia and in Le Roy.  The program is called Across the Vast Eternal Sky and will feature the Greycliffe String Quartet and Riesa Cassano on Oboe.  The May 19 performance is at 7 p.m. at Grace Baptist Church in Batavia, and the May 21 performance is at 4 p.m. at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Le Roy.  The chorale is under the music direction of Ric Jones. Janine Fagnan is associate conductor and Doug Hanson is the accompanist.  Tickets are $10 and are available from members of the chorale or at the door.

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