Local News

Water Service Interruption on Redfield Parkway

Press Release:

Water Service Interruption

The City of Batavia Water Dept. is on location of a water main break in front of 67 Redfield Parkway. The water will be turned off on Redfield Park from Main Street to Richmond Ave. We appreciate your understanding while this repair is made. City crews will make every attempt to restore water as soon as possible.

Jim Ficarella
Superintendent Water/Wastewater

Morning News Briefing

Investigation continues into accidental shooting involving a three year old in Wyoming County.
A three year old boy from Wyoming County is recovering from a gunshot wound to the chest.
The call came in to Wyoming County Dispatchers Saturday night just before 8 p.m. reporting that a 3 year old boy that had been shot through the chest/shoulder area with a .45 caliber handgun in a home on Tooley Road in the Town of Bennington.
Over the phone the dispatcher provided the mother with emergency medical instructions to treat the injury before EMS arrived.
The child was soon transported via Ambulance to Children’s Hospital in Buffalo arriving around 9 p.m. where the child then underwent a successful surgery.
According to investigators the shooting was deemed accidental and the child came in contact with the loaded handgun in the living room.
The handgun is registered to the father.
The investigation remains on-going and it’s unclear whether criminal charges will be pursued.

Vine Street man jailed for alleged drug dealing.
Following investigation by the Genesee County Local Drug Enforcement Task Force into the sale of cocaine in and around Batavia officers arrested 29 year old Benito Gay of Vine Street in the city.
Gay who is also known as “Red” was charged with four class B felony counts for Criminal Sale and Possession of a Controlled Substance.
He was taken into custody after being stopped in Town last week on separate charges of DUI by Drugs, Pot Possession and Unlicensed Operation.
Gay was ordered to be held without bail in the Genesee County Jail.

The surviving convict who escaped from the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora may have been transferred to Attica for revealing another escape plan.
“The New York Times” reports that David Sweat told it that he revealed a plan to escape from a prison near Syracuse for special treatment.
The notorious convict said hours after he laid out his elaborate plan, he was shipped to Attica with no extra privileges.
The “Times” said a corrections official told it that Sweat’s claims were without merit, but it still moved him out of an abundance of caution.

A Winter Weather Advisory in effect for the region today.
The National Weather Service has issued the advisory including Orleans, Wyoming and Genesee Counties to be in effect from 8 this morning until 7 tonight.
Winds are expected to be gusting as high as 45 mph and will cause areas of significant blowing and drifting snow.
Forecasters say to plan on possible of poor visibility and slick roadways to create difficult travel conditions at times.

CBS will air the Bills-Jaguars playoff game.
The Bills’ first playoff game in nearly two decades kicks off Sunday afternoon at one o’clock in Jacksonville.
Yesterday CBS announced that Jim Nantz, Tony Romo and Tracy Wolfson are scheduled to announce the game.
The Bills may be more than seven-point underdogs, but they’re in the game.

Francis R. Bond, 86, dies

(Photo from the archives of the New York Daily News)

Press Release:

By Tim Bojarski, for Batavia Downs

Francis R. Bond, 86, a longtime owner, driver and trainer at Batavia Downs and Buffalo Raceway, died peacefully Tuesday morning, December 26, 2017 at United Memorial Medical Center in Batavia, NY.

“Franny” Bond was born in Buffalo, NY on July 27, 1931. He became a Marine after leaving school and began boxing while in the service in the Armed Forces Title Fights.

He fought in the lightweight class and eventually worked into the featherweight division. The then 126-pound “fighting Marine” was described as “a game and lively scrapper who could take a hit and come back with a better one.”

Corporal Bond became one of the Marine’s top boxers, winning a featherweight title in 1953 while often times fighting men from the professional ranks between service bouts and sometimes competing in higher weight classes.

Bond continued to fight professionally in the Golden Gloves after he left the service under the name Bobby Bond and was trained by Angelo Dundee who also conditioned the likes of Muhammad Ali, George Foremen, Sugar Ray Leonard and Carmen Basilio. He competed in 15 professional fights all over the eastern seaboard including New York City at Madison Square Garden.

Bond first got involved in harness racing in 1966 and eventually got his trainer and driver’s licenses. He ran a small stable for the next 39 years, seeing most of his driving success in the 1970’s (where he scored 135 of his 189 careers victories) and most of his training accomplishments (total of 108) between 1990 and 2000. Bond also occasionally catch-drove horses when the opportunity arose.

Bond’s last winning effort came on May 16, 1996 behind H F Harriet at Buffalo Raceway.

Bond was an entrepreneur and made a buck anyway he could. He owned a soft drink distributorship, ran the track kitchen at Batavia Downs and sold hay, straw and feed for many years while, and after, he was competing himself. He was known by everyone on the backstretch and was an affable individual his entire life.

No memorial information has been relayed.

Morning News Briefing

The Bills are going to the playoffs for the first time in 18 years.
The Bills’ 17-year playoff drought is over as they beat the Dolphins, 22-16, in Miami.
Tyrod Taylor threw for 204 yards and a touchdown for Buffalo, which earned a playoff spot following a Ravens loss to the Bengals.
Miami scored 13 points in the final 6:16 just to make things interesting and even more interesting, Defensive tackle Kyle Williams rushed for one-yard to score in the win with his first career touchdown for Buffalo.
Bills quarterback Tyrod Taylor says they’re ready to prove the doubters wrong.

With the temperature at 2 degrees in the first hours of 2018, fans gathered to sing the Bills’ ”Shout!” song and chant ”Let’s Go Buffalo!” as they greeted the postseason-bound Bills at Buffalo Niagara International Airport.
Some 400 die-hards gathered to cheer the team that on Sunday ended the longest active postseason drought in North America’s four major professional sports.

Two convicted felons are facing charges for a horrifying Upstate quadruple homicide.
On Friday Troy police arrested 24 year old Justin Mann and 38 year old James White for the murder of two women and two children in a basement in Troy.
Troy police Chief John Tedesco.

The bodies were found the day after Christmas but police say they had been dead for days.
The pair pleaded not guilty on Saturday to four counts of second degree murder each and one count of first degree murder.
The pair is due back in court later this week.

Western New York is in for dangerously cold weather this morning.
Forecasters say it could hit two-degrees this morning and with wind chill it could feel between negative five and 24 degrees.
Those kind of temperatures can cause frostbite in as little as 30-minutes.
The wind chill advisory for the region including Genesee and Wyoming counties will be in effect until 10 o’clock this morning.

Minimum wage in Western New York is up.
Under state law, yesterday most of the state’s low wage workers’ pay was bumped up 70-cents to ten-dollars and forty-cents an hour.
Fast food workers across the state are getting a bigger raise.
Pay for tipped food service workers remains stagnant at seven-fifty an hour.

WBTA Sunday News

A Wind Chill advisory remains in effect until 10 tomorrow morning.
Today’s high is expected to only reach five degrees but with a northwest wind of 10 to 15 miles per hour, wind chills could dip to between 15 and 20 degrees below zero.
These wind chills can cause frostbite in as little as 30 minutes to exposed skin.
The wind chill advisory extends to nearly all of Western New York including Genesee and Wyoming counties.

Felony drunk driving charges lodged against a Batavia woman.
35 year old Rebecca Sue Hensel of Pratt Road was stopped late Friday night along Route 5 in the Town of Batavia.

Police in Troy, New York say they have two men in custody in connection to a quadruple homicide. Troy police Chief John Tedesco says they have their suspects:

Police yesterday identified the suspects as 38-year-old James White and 24-year-old Justin Man.
Troy police found the bodies of two women and two children Tuesday in an apartment.
One of the suspects is said to have known at least one of the victims, but police have yet to find a motive


The huge celebration in Times Square, New York for New Year’s Eve dates back more than a century. Jeff Strauss with Countdown Entertainment says the first gathering was in 1903:

They switched to a ball drop in 1907.
The idea was inspired by a maritime tradition where a ball is dropped at ports around at world so navigators at sea can adjust their time.

Femeile pot învăța să își dezvolte simțurile vizionând filme erotice

Înțelegerea puterii fanteziei și a imaginației în trezirea sexuală a femeilor reprezintă o abordare revoluționară a emancipării femeilor. Un mod important prin care femeile pot învăța să-și dezvolte simțurile și să-și îmbrățișeze dorințele este vizionarea de filme erotice. Nu este vorba de a reduce femeile la simple consumatoare de conținut pentru adulți, ci de a le încuraja să își vadă și să își exploreze propria agenție sexuală, fantezia și curiozitatea. Filmele erotice prezintă o multitudine de scenarii și comportamente sexuale care pot stârni imaginația și pot cataliza procesul de autodescoperire. Angajându-se în aceste experiențe imaginative, femeile își pot lărgi zonele personale de dorință și plăcere, pot descoperi noi teritorii ale senzualității și, în consecință, își pot înțelege mai bine propria sexualitate. Acest lucru nu numai că poate deschide calea pentru experiențe fizice mai satisfăcătoare, dar poate, de asemenea, să le dea femeilor posibilitatea de a discuta deschis despre dorințele și limitele lor. Filmele erotice pot fi astfel considerate ca un instrument educațional care încurajează o percepție sănătoasă a sexului. Valorificând puterea fanteziei și a imaginației, femeile pot învăța să încalce prejudecățile sociale, să-și afirme nevoile sexuale și să-și definească propria identitate erotică. Filmul pune în discuție narațiunile societale reductive despre sexualitatea feminină și transmite mesajul important că plăcerea sexuală a femeilor contează, contribuind la un dialog mai larg despre emanciparea sexuală a femeilor.

Examinarea rolului plăcerii în descoperirea de sine

Examinarea rolului plăcerii în contextul autodescoperirii feminine necesită explorarea unor paradigme conștient neconvenționale. Mai precis, rolul filmelor erotice poate fi instrumental ca un catalizator în acest proces. Prin vizionarea filmelor erotice, femeile pot întâlni o multitudine de senzații și emoții, deschizând calea către o înțelegere și acceptare mai profundă a sexualității lor, favorizând astfel descoperirea de sine. Acesta este un proces inerent creșterii personale – un mecanism care nu numai că permite femeii să își exploreze dorințele, fanteziile și limitele, dar favorizează, de asemenea, o mai bună înțelegere a corpului și a reacțiilor sale emoționale. Plăcerea, în special plăcerea senzuală și sexuală, este un canal prin care femeile își pot explora și înțelege identitățile fără a fi supuse la o rușine socială sau la judecăți legate de sexualitatea lor. Actul de a viziona filme erotice poate juca un rol progresiv și poate servi drept deschizător de ochi spre recunoașterea preferințelor lor personale, eliberându-le de condiționările tradiționale. Creându-și un mediu sigur și acceptabil pentru a experimenta excitarea și plăcerea senzuală, femeile pot sparge tabuurile societale și se pot îndrepta spre autocunoaștere și împuternicire. Este un instrument neconvențional în promovarea pozitivității corporale, a autonomiei sexuale și a conectivității emoționale, toate acestea fiind esențiale pentru cultivarea conceptului lor de sine, a stimei de sine și a bunăstării generale.

Explorarea legăturii dintre senzualitate și inteligența emoțională

Explorarea legăturii dintre senzualitate și inteligența emoțională oferă o perspectivă unică asupra conturului psihicului uman, în special în ceea ce privește femeile. Senzualitatea, deși considerată cumva controversată, este o componentă crucială a țesăturii inteligenței lor emoționale. Atunci când se cercetează rădăcinile acestei conexiuni, devine lucid faptul că femeile pot învăța să-și dezvolte simțurile vizionând filme erotice ca un catalizator. Contrar noțiunii dominante potrivit căreia conținutul erotic este indecent, acesta poate fi privit ca fiind informativ și lămuritor, acționând ca un canal pentru a le revigora senzualitatea. Consumul de astfel de conținut sextotal poate elibera și permite unei femei să devină mai în ton cu emoțiile și senzațiile sale fizice. Pe măsură ce navighează prin estetica cinematografiei erotice, capacitatea ei de a-și înțelege și exprima dorințele, preferințele și limitele se îmbunătățește semnificativ. Înțelegerea ei profundă a acestor aspecte duce la o luare de decizii luminate. Profunzimea experiențelor oferite de erotism, de la atracția vizuală până la senzațiile insinuate, instigă la explorarea profunzimilor capacității emoționale și a conștiinței senzoriale a fiecăruia. Astfel, susținerea femeilor de a-și îmbrățișa latura senzuală prin prisma cinematografiei erotice poate servi drept platformă pentru sporirea inteligenței emoționale, ceea ce demonstrează că senzualitatea și inteligența emoțională sunt într-adevăr interconectate în mod complex.

Saturday News Briefing

The winter chills persist with weather advisories taking effect in the region.
The National Weather Service is issuing another Winter Weather Advisory for Niagara and Orleans Counties from 2 PM today until 7 AM Sunday.
Plan on slippery road conditions with total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches.
A Winter Weather Advisory was also issued for Wyoming from 10 AM today to 4 AM Sunday.
A Wind Chill Advisory will be going into effect for counties including Genesee, Orleans and Livingston.
The advisory will be in place from 1 AM to 6 PM Sunday with very cold wind chills expected.
Forecasters expect wind chills to range from 10 below zero to 20 below zero.
The cold wind can cause frostbite in as little as 30 minutes to exposed skin.

A Batavia resident arrested for an altercation inside the Genesee County Jail.
32 year old Michael Carey of Main Street in Batavia is accused of choking another inmate.
He was given an appearance ticket for Criminal Obstruction of Breathing returnable to Batavia City Court on January 3rd.

Cuomo looking to curb crushing student load debt.
Governor Cuomo is calling for several new reforms to help protect people dealing with student loan debt.
The Governor says he’ll call for the creation of a state Student Loan Ombudsman to help students navigate and negotiate with the student loan industry.
He also wants to require colleges to reveal the estimated amounts students can expect to pay for student loans, and increase consumer protections in the student loan industry.
Cuomo say he’ll also propose banning the suspension of Professional Licenses for anyone who’s behind or in default on their student loans.

A fond farewell to one of the top cops of Genesee County.
Chief Deputy Gordon Dibble is retiring after 43 years with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office.
For the last several years, Dibble has headed up with Sheriff’s Office road patrol.
Yesterday he looked back on a rewarding career,

Dibble may have had his last day with the sheriff’s office, but he will continue to serve the community in his new job as a Genesee County Legislator from Darien.

Evening News Briefing

New York’s Governor is calling for several new reforms to help protect people dealing with student loan debt.

Governor Andrew Cuomo says he’ll call for the creation of a state Student Loan Ombudsman to help students navigate and negotiate with the student loan industry.

He also wants to require colleges to reveal the estimated amounts students can expect to pay for student loans, and increase consumer protections in the student loan industry.

Cuomo say he’ll also propose banning the suspension of Professional Licenses for anyone who’s behind or in default on their student loans.



Western New York is bracing for already arctic weather to get worse.  Looking ahead, on New Year’s Eve, the thermometer could dip as low as two degrees.

Folks heading out to celebrate should bundle up because it’s going to feel even colder with wind chill.


A fracas inside the Genesee County Jail leads to charges against a Batavia man.

32 year old Michael Carey of Main Street in Batavia is accused of choking another inmate.

He was given an appearance ticket returnable to Batavia City Court on January 3rd.


Chief Deputy Gordon Dibble

A friendly good-bye to one of Genesee County’s top cops this afternoon.

Chief Deputy Gordon Dibble is retiring after 43 years with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office.

For the last several years, Dibble has headed up with Sheriff’s Office road patrol.


Although today is Dibble’s last day with the sheriff’s office, he will soon have a new job as a Genesee County Legislator from Darien.

Dibble Retires from GCSO

A friendly good-bye to one of Genesee County’s top cops this afternoon.
Chief Deputy Gordon Dibble is retiring after 43 years with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office.
For the last several years, Dibble has headed up with Sheriff’s Office road patrol.
Today, he looked back on a rewarding career:

Although today is Dibble’s last day with the sheriff’s office, he will soon have a new job as a Genesee County Legislator from Darien.

Inmate altercation in County lockup leads to charge for Batavia man

Following investigation into a physical altercation at the Genesee County Jail, officers arrested 32 year old Michael Carey of Main Street in Batavia.

Carey was accused of choking another inmate and was charged with Criminal Obstruction of Breathing or Circulation.

He was given an appearance ticket returnable to Batavia City Court on January 3rd.

Lockport man arrested for having alcohol in the Genesee County Jail

22 year old Edward White of Lockport was arrested and charged with Possessing Dangerous Contraband while being confined following a complaint in the County Jail.

White was accused of possessing an alcoholic beverage while being incarcerated.

He was issued an appearance ticket for city court and was returned to jail to be held on unrelated charges.

Inmates involved in assault on Corrections Officers moved to Attica

Two Groveland Correctional inmates reportedly attacked a Corrections Officer at the facility during a routine cell search on Saturday.

The officer ordered one of the inmates to leave the living area while conducting a search and after refusing several times the inmate allegedly attacked the officer unprovoked.

Another inmate jumped in and both were accused of striking the officer several times in the face and head.

In total three officers were treated for injuries sustained in the melee with the initial officer being treated for lacerations to his left eye and chest along with a bloody lip and nose.

Following the incident both inmates were transferred from Groveland in Livingston County to the Attica Correctional Facility in Wyoming County and face criminal charges for the attack.

Hawley Announces January Office Hours

Press Release:

Invites members of the public to share concerns and ideas

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is holding his next round of office hours for Genesee and Monroe county residents starting next Friday. The office hours will be attended by Hawley’s staff. The 139th Assembly District, represented by Hawley, includes all of Genesee County and portions of Western Monroe County.

“These office hours offer local residents an opportunity to share their thoughts, concerns and ideas regarding the issues facing state government,” said Hawley. “I strongly encourage those who are able to attend to come and make their voices heard.”

To schedule an individual appointment with Hawley, please contact his office at hawleys@nyassembly.gov or by calling 585-356-0686 for the Monroe County office hours, or 585-813-1608 for the Genesee County office hours.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley
January Office Hours:

Monroe County:

Ellwanger Room
Seymour Library
161 East Avenue, Brockport
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Ellwanger Room
Seymour Library
161 East Avenue, Brockport
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Genesee County:

Genesee Community College
Conable Technology Building, Room T124
Assemblyman R. Stephen Hawley Drive (1 College Road), Batavia
Friday, January 5, 2018
2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Genesee Community College
Conable Technology Building, Room T124
Assemblyman R. Stephen Hawley Drive (1 College Road), Batavia
Friday, January 19, 2018
2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Morning News Briefing

Oakfield man killed in Stafford crash.
The Genesee County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the fatal head-on collision between a car and a tractor trailer that occurred on Route 33 in Stafford.
54 year old Tracy Carpenter of Oakfield was killed in the crash that was reported just before 12:30 yesterday afternoon.
Carpenter was pronounced dead at the scene after he apparently drove his 2004 Acura into the oncoming traffic lane colliding head-on with a semi tractor-trailer.
Genesee County Undersheriff Greg Walker was on scene.

Route 33 was closed for several hours after the crash.
Road conditions were dry in the area at the time and weather was not considered a factor in the crash.
The accident remains under investigation.

As Jason Molino ends his tenure as Batavia City Manager he leaves behind a list of accomplishments and work for his successor.
Molino spoke on WBTA’s Main and Center program yesterday saying he sees himself as a better manager than he was when started the job 12 years ago.
At the time he was hired he was the youngest city manager in New York.
Molino spoke about litigation regarding the Batavia City Centre saying three Merchants Association members are still holding out from signing the deal.
He is hopeful that they will accept the deal following an upcoming court date next month.
He said once the legal and safety issues are addressed the increase in property value and investment in the mall will follow.
So what does he consider to be Batavia’s ‘finest hour’ during his tenure?
The budget of 2009/2010

Molino begins his new job as administrator of Tompkins County on January 29th.

A Corfu man is behind bars in Orleans County for allegedly possessing cocaine packaged and ready for sale.
47 year old Steven Kimmel of Allegany Road is facing two felony counts following a traffic stop yesterday in Albion.
Kimmel is locked up in lieu of $25,000 bail.

Thruway travelers this weekend will see roadwork suspended and a continued tradition on New Year’s Eve.
To ease traffic over the holiday weekend, Governor Cuomo announced all road construction will be suspended beginning this morning through 6 a.m. Tuesday, January 2.
The New York State Thruway Authority will offer free coffee and hot tea to travelers at all 27 travel plazas along the Thruway from 11 p.m. New Year’s Eve through 7 a.m. New Year’s morning.

Victim of Fatal Crash in Stafford Identified

News Release: Genesee County Sheriff’s Office

The Genesee County Sheriffs Office is investigating a fatal motor vehicle accident involving two vehicles, which occurred near 5882 Route 33 in the Town of Stafford. The Genesee County Dispatch Center received a call at 12:25 PM on Thursday, December 28, 2017 reporting the crash. A 2004 Acura TSX, operated by Tracy B. Carpenter, age 54, of Oakfield, NY was eastbound on Route 33, when the vehicle traveled across the center line and into the westbound lane colliding with a 2007 Western Star tractor trailer which was westbound, operated by Fay B. Warner, age 67, of Geneseo, NY. Carpenter was pronounced dead at the scene. Warner was uninjured. Weather was not a factor in the cause of the accident. The cause of the accident is still under investigation.


The crash is being investigated by Deputies Jenna Ferrando, Joseph Loftus, and Christopher Erion, as well as the Genesee County Crash Reconstruction Unit. The Genesee County Sheriffs Office was assisted at the scene of the crash by the Stafford Volunteer Fire Department, Byron Volunteer Fire Department, South Byron Volunteer Fire Department, Bergen Volunteer Fire Department, Mercy EMS, Genesee County Coroner Donald Coleman, and the New York State Troopers.

Evening News Briefing

A head-on crash between a car and a tractor trailer has claimed a life in the Town of Stafford.
The accident happened just before 12:30 this afternoon on Route 33, Clinton Street Road.
The driver of the car was killed.
Genesee County Undersheriff Greg Walker was on scene

“A tractor-trailer was westbound on Route 33 and a passenger car was eastbound. The passenger car crossed over the center of the roadway and struck the tractor tratiler which was trying to ‘take the ditch’ to avoid the collision.”

Walker said the road condition was dry at the time of the accident and not a factor in the crash.
A utility pole was broken in the accident and is being repaired by National Grid. Route 33 is closed between Prole Road and Route 237.
Authorities are still notifying next of kin and have not released the victim’s name.

Batavia City Manager Jason Molino has less than three weeks left on the job.
In a wide ranging interview this morning on WBTA’s Main and Center, Molino characterized himself as a better City Manager now than when he started the job 12 years ago. At the time, he was the youngest city manager in New York State.
Turning to the City Centre mall, Molino said tree members of the merchants Association have yet to sign off on the deal to end the long legal dispute with city hall.
Molino said there is a court date next month that may compel the hold-outs to accept the deal.
Once that is done, Molino says there is hope for the city’s huge white elephant:

Molino said he considered the budget of 2009 / 2010 to be the “finest hour” of his adminiastration.when the city was “completely out of the red” in its financial statements. The city had been in a multi-million dollar deficit.
Molino begins his new job as administrator of Tompkins County on January 29th.

A Corfu man is behind bars in Orleans County for allegedly possessing cocaine packaged and ready for sale.
47 year old Steven Kimmel of Allegany Road is facing two felony counts following a traffic stop yesterday in Albion.
Kimmel is locked up in lieu of $25,000 bail.-

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is pardoning 61 people, including 18 immigrants who faced deportation. One of the pardons goes to convicted killer Dominic Dupont whose uncle, Michael K. Williams, is a TV star best-known for roles on “The Wire” and “Boardwalk Empire.” Cuomo reportedly pardoned Dupont, after he served 20 years of a 25 year sentence, because he was impressed with his work as a prison youth counselor.

Fatal Accident on Route 33 in Stafford

A head-on crash between a car and a tractor trailer has claimed a life in the Town of Stafford.
The accident happened just before 12:30 this afternoon on Route 33, Clinton Street Road.
The driver of the car was killed.
Genesee County Undersheriff Greg Walker was on scene: (Ed. note: Windy Conditions)

Walker said the road condition was dry at the time of the accident and not a factor in the crash.
A utility pole was broken in the accident and is being repaired by National Grid. Route 33 is closed between Prole Road and Route 237.
Authorities are still notifying next of kin and have not released the victim’s name.

Molino’s Exit Interview on “Main & Center”

Jason Molino

City Manager Jason Molino is leaving Batavia in about two weeks.
The discussion with City Council on how to select his replacement began last night, behind closed doors.
Molino made his last appearance on WBTA’s Main and Center program this morning. We asked him why the secrecy?

The City Centre Mall. Three members of the merchants Association have yet to sign off on the deal to end the long legal dispute with the city.
Molino said there is another court date next month that may compel the hold-outs to accept the deal.
Once that is done, Molino says there is hope for the city’s huge white elephant:

Molino has been city manager for 12 years.
What does he consider to be Batavia’s ‘finest hour’ during his tenure?
The budget of 2009 / 2010

The first four years of Molino’s dozen years in office he was the youngest City Manager in New York State.
He readily admits he is a better manager now than when he started.
He attributes that to maturing in the job.
But regrets, he had a few.
We reminded him of the difficulty ending the long standing trash collection contract with the Genesee ARC:

Molino begins his new job as administrator of Tompkins County on January 29th.

Morning News Briefing

Two women jailed following an Alexander home break-in.
The Genesee County Sheriff’s Office reports the arrest of two women after an alleged forced entry and robbery in the Town of Alexander.
Deputies say 42 year old Jennifer Martino of Pearl Street in Batavia and 35 year old Amber Holland of Buffalo forced their way into the home of an acquaintance then threatened and physically engaged with the resident.
They also were accused of damaging and stealing property.
According to authorities the women knew their victim and although there were no serious injuries, the incident played out in front of a 12 year old child.
Both were arrested and charged with Robbery, Burglary, Criminal Mischief and Endangering the Welfare of a Child.
After being stopped in Batavia during the investigation Holland was hit with charges of DWI, Failure to Submit to a Breath Test and Pot Possession.
Both were committed to the Genesee County Jail in lieu of $10,000 bail.
Holland’s bail was bumped up by $2,500 for charges obtained in the Batavia traffic stop.

Batavia Police attempt to identify the vehicle and driver in pedestrian hit and run.
The unknown driver struck a pedestrian on Richmond Ave. near the State School for the Blind on Friday around 10 after 5 in the morning.
Rosemary Demske suffered a broken leg, massive bruising and two black eyes after being struck by an unidentified vehicle.
A passing motorist did stop to assist Demske, and called for help.
They reported that the possible culprit was still on scene before fleeing at the sound of sirens.
Police are asking anyone with information about recently damaged cars or individuals that have talked about this incident to come forward and contact the Batavia Police Dept. at 585- 345-6350.
Police also remind residents to keep sidewalks shoveled for Pedestrians.
And for Pedestrians to use sidewalks or walk facing traffic with reflective outerwear.

Some tense moments in the Town of Alabama.
Deputies said a car drove into a pond yesterday morning along Feeder Road near the Tonawanda Wildlife Management area.
There were two occupants in the car, one was said to be disabled.
The two were unable to exit the car while water was entering the vehicle.
Police later said no one was injured and the car was never in danger of sinking.

Much of Western New York is under a wind-chill advisory.
Forecasters say this morning in Monroe, Wayne and Ontario counties, it could feel as cold as negative-15 degrees.
In weather like this, it might only take half an hour to catch frostbite.
The advisory should be lifted at noon.

The Batavia City Council is believed to have begun the process of selecting a new city manager.
The key word there is: “believed” because the process, so far, is behind closed doors.
Council met last night in a special session with one item on the agenda: a motion to enter into Executive Session.
The motion was approved and whatever discussion there was, was kept from the public.
Council president Eugene Jankowski has been quoted as saying: hopefully we can discuss the situation publically at the January 8th meeting.
Molino’s last day in Batavia is Jan 12th.
He is taking a job in Ithaca as administrator of Tompkins County.

Evening News Briefing

Two women are behind bars for allegedly breaking into the home of an acquaintance in the Town of Alexander.
Once inside, the two got physical with the resident, damaged some property and stole some other items.
Arrested were: 42 year old Jennifer Martino of Pearl Street, Batavia and 35 year old Amber Holland of Buffalo
Police said the fracas occurred in front of a 12 year old child.
Authorities said Martino and Holland knew their victim.
There were no serious injuries.
The two women were charged with burglary and robbery.

Some tense moments late this morning in the Town of Alabama.
Deputies said a car drove into a pond on Feeder Road near the Tonawanda Wildlife Management area.
There were two occupants in the car, one was said to be disabled.
They two were unable to exit the car while water was entering the vehicle.
Police later said no one was injured and the car was never in damager of sinking.

Batavia Police turn to the public for help in their investigation of a hit and run.
A Batavia jogger was struck by a hit and run driver last Friday on Richmond Avenue.
Rosemary Demske, a special education aide for the city school district, was hit just after 5 in the morning near the State School for the Blind.
Demske was thrown to the opposite side of the street by the force of the impact. She suffered a broken leg.
The driver of the car stopped momentarily but then fled the scene when he heard sirens approaching.
Batavia Police are asking the public for any information that help their investigation.

The Batavia City Council is holding a special business meeting tonight into how the city will deal with the departure of City Manager Jason Molino.
Molino is leaving Batavia to become the County Administrator of Tompkins County.
The public will never hear the discussion at tonight city council meeting since lawmakers are meeting in a closed door session.
Council President Gene Jankowski said some information may be divulged to the public at council’s next regular meeting on January 8th.

New York is easing up on its medical marijuana rules starting today. Dispensaries are now permitted to sell patches, lotions, ointments, lozenges and certain chewables to certified patients.
Only liquids, oils and vapors were allowed under the state’s tough restrictions that ban smokable marijuana.
The new rules also permit a doctor to take a two-hour course to become a registered provider, down from four hours.
It’s seen as a way to encourage more doctors to participate in New York’s medical marijuana program.

Lake Effect Snow to Hit Orleans County

A Band of Lake Effect snow will affect Orleans and Niagara Counties.

This afternoon a band of lake effect snow producing snow fall rates of 1 to 2 inches per hour was located along the south shore of Lake Ontario north of Route 104. This band of snow will drift slowly south through late afternoon.

Locations impacted include:
Medina, Albion, Newfane, Lewiston, Youngstown, Middleport, Holley, Waterport and Lakeside Beach State Park.

Conditions can deteriorate rapidly in winter weather situations. Be prepared for snow or ice covered roads. Slow down and allow extra time when traveling.

Hit and Run on Richmond Ave. Update

Press Release:

The Batavia Police Department would like to recognize and thank the good Samaritan that came to the aid of Rosemary Demske after she was struck while jogging on Richmond Avenue early Friday morning (12/22). That individual has been identified as Glen Enouen. Enouen happened to be in the area shortly after the incident and aided Mrs. Demske until Emergency Services arrived.

Anyone with any info regarding this hit and run is asked to call police at 345-6350, information may also be submitted via the confidential tip line at 345-6370 or via the City of Batavia Police Department website at http://www.batavianewyork.com/police-department/webforms/report-suspicious-drug-or-criminal-activity.

NYS Police: Correction Officer arrested for Rape

Press Release:

On December 26, 2017 the Bureau of Criminal Investigations (BCI) arrested James W. Beam Jr., 41 of Silver Creek, NY for Rape 3rd degree and several counts of Official Misconduct.

Beam was charged following an investigation into an unlawful personal relationship with an inmate while employed as a Correction Officer at Lakeview Shock Incarceration Correctional Facility.

Beam was issued an appearance ticket at the direction of the Chautauqua County District Attorney’s Office and is to appear at the town of Portland court in January 2018.

This case was a joint investigation by the New York State Police and the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision Office of Special Investigations.

BPD Pedestrian Collision Investigation

Press Release:

The Batavia Police continue to attempt to identify the vehicle and driver that struck a pedestrian on Richmond Ave. near the Blind School on Friday 12/22/2017 at 5:09am. Rosemary Demske was injured after being struck by a vehicle that continued on without stopping. A passing motorist did stop to assist Demske, and called for help from the Police and Medical Personnel.

We are asking anyone with information about recently damaged cars or person(s) that have talked about this incident to come forward and contact the Batavia Police Dept. at 585- 345-6350 and ask to speak with a Supervisor at any time of the day or night.

As a reminder to residents please keep sidewalks shoveled for Pedestrians. Pedestrians please use sidewalks and if you have to be in the roadway walk facing traffic with reflective outerwear.

Car into pond in Alabama

First responders were called to Feeder Road near Klossen Road in Alabama for a Subaru Outlander that reportedly entered a pond around the Tonawanda Wildlife Management Area.

Dispatchers called State Police, Mercy EMS along with Alabama and Wolcottsville Fire to respond.

There were two occupants who were unable to exit the vehicle one of which was disabled.

No injuries were reported and although the water permeated the vehicle it was not reported to be sinking.

Winter Weather Advisory in place for Orleans County

The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Weather Advisory for Orleans and Niagara Counties to be in effect until 7 p.m. this evening.

Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches are predicted in the most persistent areas.

Forecasters are saying to plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibilities.

Morning News Briefing

District Attorney swearing in to final four year term this week.
Genesee County District Attorney Lawrence Friedman will be sworn in for his 6th four-year term This Thursday.
Friedman made the announcement yesterday that this next term will be his last.
County Clerk Michael Cianfrini will be administering the oath for Friedman on Thursday and for his wife Melissa Cianfrini who will also be taking the oath to serve as First Assistant District Attorney for Genesee County.
Friedman’s support helped establish the First Assistant District Attorney position that previously didn’t exist.

Lake Effect Snow and Winter Chills in Wyoming.
The National Weather Service has issued a Lake Effect Snow Warning for Wyoming and Cattaraugus Counties until 6 pm this evening.
4 to 8 inches of additional accumulation is predicted in the most persistent areas of steady lake effect snowfall.
Also beginning at 9 this evening there will be a Wind Chill Advisory going into effect lasting until tomorrow at noon.
Wind chills ranging from 0 to 10 below zero are predicted today with temperatures whipping at around 15 below tonight.
Morning and evening commutes may be hampered in the impacted areas.

The search for a new city manager is at the center of a secret session for Batavia City Council tonight.
There will be no public discussion when Council gathers for a special business meeting at 7 this evening.
Council has only one item on the agenda – a move to go into executive session.
The Council is responsible for selecting an interim city manager to fill in for the departing Jason Molino until his permanent replacement is found.

Arguably the most beloved Buffalo Television News Anchor has passed.
Irv Weinstein died yesterday afternoon in California following a battle with ALS.
The 87 year old former anchor of Channel 7’s “Eyewitness News” was iconic in Buffalo as part of the longest running, and most popular television news anchor team in broadcast history.
Funeral services for Irv Weinstein are expected to be held on Thursday.
In honor of Irv’s passing, WBBZ-TV will re-broadcast two half hour “Giants of Buffalo Broadcasting” specials Wednesday and Thursday evening at 8p.m.

The Batavia DPW says it will pick-up Christmas Trees during the month of January as weather permits.
Only real trees will be picked up.
Trees should be placed in the parkway near the cub and be clear of sidewalks.

Irv Weinstein Dead at 87

Irv Weinstein


Irv Weinstein, the patriarch of Buffalo Television News, has died.
Weinstein lost his battle with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, this afternoon in California.
He was 87 years-old.
Known for his rapid-fire delivery and famous alliteration Irv helped transform the Buffalo television market, taking Channel 7 -the number 3 station – all the way to number one, forever cementing his status as a Buffalo broadcasting legend in the process.
Funeral services for Irv Weinstein are expected to be held on Thursday.

Evening News Briefing

Genesee County District Attorney Lawrence Friedman announces today that his upcoming 6th term in office will be his last.
Friedman will be sworn in for his 6th four-year term this Thursday.
Friedman used the announcement of his swearing in to say it will be his last term as Genesee County’s top law enforcement officer.

Gas in Western New York is up this holiday season. Even though fuel prices are down from last month, a website that tracks gas prices reports that travel this holiday season will be more expensive than it has been in three years. The average cost of a gallon of gas in the Rochester metro area is about two-dollars and 50-cents compared to two-35 last year and around two-20 the year before that.

An Attica woman gets six years in state prison for selling drugs out of her home.
44 year old Kara Baker of Lincoln Avenue in Attica could have received nine years behind bars.
She was arrested last September after police conducted a raid at her home.

Governor Cuomo is giving New Yorkers some shelter from the new tax plan. Under the newly passed plan, the amount of state and local taxes New Yorkers can deduct from federal returns will be limited to $10,000. On Friday Cuomo signed an executive order allowing property owners to pay some or all of their 2018 property taxes early. The governor urges folks to pay their local taxes while the current tax plan is still in place. Payments have to be postmarked or submitted online by December 31st.
Genesee County Treasurer Scott German issued a statement on Monday afternoon regarding the pre-pqayment issue. German wrote:

“The new Federal Income Tax Law will only affect an estimated 10-15% of the population in Genesee County as far as the SALT deduction. The law allows taxpayers to deduct up to $10,000 a year in a combined New York State income tax and property taxes. So if your deduction of those taxes are less than the $10,000.00, it probably doesn’t make sense to pay your 2018 taxes early. For example, if your 2018 town/county, school and village taxes are $2,500.00 and your total New York State taxes paid will be $3,500.00 = $6,000.00. Total taxes paid are $6,000.00 which is less than the maximum $10,000.00 allowed; therefore your taxes would still be deductible on your 2018 tax return.”


The Batavia DPW says it will pick-up Christmas Trees during the month of January as weather permits.
Only real trees will be picked up.
Trees should be placed in the parkway near the cub and be clear of sidewalks.

County Treasurer on Pre-payment of Property Taxes

News Release: Genesee County Treasurer Scott German

There have been several phone calls to my office regarding the pre-payment of 2018 Town/County property taxes to be paid to the Town Tax Collector before December 31, 2017.

1. The new Federal Income Tax Law will only affect an estimated 10-15% of the population in Genesee County as far as the SALT deduction. The law allows taxpayers to deduct up to $10,000 a year in a combined New York State income tax and property taxes. So if your deduction of those taxes are less than the $10,000.00, it probably doesn’t make sense to pay your 2018 taxes early. For example, if your 2018 town/county, school and village taxes are $2,500.00 and your total New York State taxes paid will be $3,500.00 = $6,000.00. Total taxes paid are $6,000.00 which is less than the maximum $10,000.00 allowed; therefore your taxes would still be deductible on your 2018 tax return.

2. It is unclear whether or not the IRS will allow a deduction of pre-payment of 2018 taxes on your 2017 tax return; please consult your tax accountant for clarification.

3. The tax bills are effective for the county fiscal year of January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018. Payment for these taxes should be made January 1 or after.

4. This law has no effect on residents of the City of Batavia since city/county tax warrant isn’t until May.

City to Pick Up Christmas Trees

News Release: City of Batavia, Bureau of Maintenance

The City of Batavia will be picking up Christmas trees during the month of January as weather and operations permit.
Important information regarding Christmas tree removal:

  • We can only pick up real trees. No artificial trees.
  • Residents are to place trees in the parkway near the curb. Keep trees out of the roadway and clear of sidewalks.
  • Residents placing trees out will strip the trees of all decorations, lights, stands and bags. These items damage chipping equipment. Contact your waste disposal company for information on the proper disposal of these items.
  • If high winds are forecast, delay putting trees out until after winds have subsided. Trees in the road and across sidewalks are a hazards to motorists and pedestrians.
  • Keep trees free of snow and ice so they are visible and do not become frozen to the ground.
  • Please, have trees out for pick up before January 31 (Last day of pick-up).

Friedman: This Term is my Last

Genesee County District Attorney Lawrence Friedman announces today that his upcoming 6th term in office will be his last.

Friedman will be sworn in for his 6th four-year term this Thursday.

Friedman used the announcement of his swearing in to say it will be his last term as Genesee County’s top law enforcement officer.

Morning News Briefing

Attica woman sentenced to prison for selling drugs from her home.
44 year old Kara Baker of Attica was sentenced to six years in state prison for admittedly selling drugs from her Lincoln Avenue home.
She appeared for sentencing last week on a conviction of Criminal Sale of a Controlled Substance and was additionally sentenced to two years of post-release supervision.
Baker was arrested in September following a raid at her residence that turned up a quantity of cocaine and prescription drugs.
She admitted to selling the drugs from her home with a child present.

An Orleans County man jailed for forcibly raping an underage girl.
20 year old Quintion Wilson of Albion is facing four counts of First Degree rape for alleged incidents involving a girl under 15 years old.
According to police Wilson choked the female victim and held her against her will.
He is being held without bail in the Orleans County jail.

Christmas weekend car crashes reported in Genesee County.
69 year old Bruce Seelau of Genesee Street in Corfu was arrested and charged with DWI, Leaving the scene of a property damage accident and other traffic infractions following investigation into a single car accident on Saturday.
Seelau reportedly drove off of Lake Road in Pembroke around 2:30 in the morning with the car coming to rest on its side.
Neither Seelau nor the passenger were uninjured and denied medical attention.
He is scheduled to appear in Pembroke town court January 23rd.
Another crash occurred just before midnight on Sunday.
A car reportedly hit a tree on the Thruway near the eastbound Batavia exit.
Fortunately both the driver and passenger were uninjured in the crash.
The accident caused a minor backup for the few thruway travelers at the end of Christmas Eve.

The Buffalo Bills lost 37-16 to the Patriots but still have a chance to make the playoffs for the first time in 17 years.
There are two ways they can make it, both involve beating the Dolphins in the last game of the season.
If they win then the Ravens must lose to the Bengals.
Or a Titans loss to the Jaguars and a Chargers loss to the Raiders.

Western New York flu rates are up.
The newest numbers from the state health department show that regional flu cases have been rising since November.
The CDC says with people traveling and getting together with family over the holidays, flu season could peak next week.
The flu shot isn’t expected to be much help against this year’s extremely nasty flu strain.

It isn’t done snowing in Western New York.
Winter weather warnings will be in place until tomorrow, making travel difficult if not impossible.
Forecasters are calling for up to three feet of snow.
Wayne County, Wyoming County and parts of the Southern Tier are in the crosshairs.

WBTA Sunday News

Batavia and Genesee County will have a white Christmas.
But to the south of us, it may be whiter than they would like.
The National Weather Service has issued a Lake Effect Snow warning for Southern Erie and Wyoming counties and the western Southern tier from late this afternoon until late tomorrow.
Total snow accumulations there could reach 3-feet in the most persistent lake snows.

An Albion man is accused of forcibly raping a girl under 15.
20 year old Quintion Wilson is charged with four counts of First Degree rape.
Police say he choked the girl and held her against her will.
Wilson is being held in the Orleans County jail without baiol.

State Assemblyman Steve Hawley has been named to the New York Farm Bureau’s Circle of Friends.
The award is an indication of the lawmaker’s support of New York Agriculture and the Farm Bureau.
The bureau is quick to point out the designation is not an endorsement but only recognizes the assemblyman’s 2017 legislative voting record.

The Buffalo Bills would have benefited greatly from a Baltimore Ravens loss on Saturday night, and while the Indianapolis Colts put up a very good fight, their shoddy offense just wasn’t enough. With the win, Baltimore puts a stranglehold on a Wild Card spot. A win in Week 17, and the Ravens are in.
We have posted the Bills playoff scenario on the Sports page.
It’s confusing but if the Bills win both of their last two games, they are really, really likely to make the postseason. That’s a big ask heading into New England today.

Hawley Named to 2017 Farm Bureau Circle of Friends

Press Release:

A Statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia)

“I am honored to be named to the Farm Bureau’s Circle of Friends for 2017. Agriculture is such an important part of Western New York’s economy, and we have so many dedicated farmers and producers locally who battle excessive rain, drought and other obstacles to feed our state. Whether it’s dairy, livestock or vegetables, our products are in grocery stores across the nation and that is a testament to the devotion and will of our area’s farmers.

“As the former owner and operator of our family-owned farm in Batavia for many years, I know the challenges our producers face, and that is why I will always have the backs of these dedicated men and women. I look forward to another productive year in Albany and will strive to keep New York’s farming industry the best in the nation.”

Saturday News Briefing

A Wyoming County kidnapping lands a Mount Morris woman in lock up.
30 year old Zordaida Rodriguez has been charged with kidnapping, robbery and assault for the alleged abduction and beating of a 28 year old farm worker in the town of Castile.
According to authorities Rodriguez and several other suspects lured the man out of his home last Sunday night, then pistol whipped beat and robbed him of his cellphone and money.
He was driven around for approximately 30 minutes before the suspects stopped and he was able to escape into a field in the Town of Nunda in Livingston County.
The victim suffered non-life threatening injuries to his head and face.
Rodriguez has been jailed in lieu of $250,000 bail.
Authorities are seeking other suspects in the case.
Anyone with information is asked to contact the Wyoming County Sheriff’s Office.

Drug Task Force busts three Batavia residents for allegedly selling dope in Wyoming County.
Seven people were arrested as part of the Wyoming County Drug Task Force Operation Frosty.
Six for dealing various drugs and one for lying to law enforcement concerning a narcotics investigation.
47 Richard Barber of Garfield Avenue in Batavia was accused of selling meth; 45 year old Derrick Washington of State Street and 29 year old Louis Mercado of Dillenger Ave were both accused of selling crack cocaine.
All three Batavia men are being held in Wyoming County and more drug related arrests are expected next month.

Burglary in Warsaw leads to lock up for a Livingston County woman.
28 year old Brittany Ellis of Hunt was arrested by Wyoming County Law Enforcement following a traffic stop in Warsaw.
She was allegedly driving without a license while impaired by drugs.
Ellis was also under investigation for allegedly repeatedly stealing money from the cash drawer of a business in Warsaw.
Additionally investigators accused her of being in possession of seven hypodermic syringes along with Suboxone.
Ellis is facing two felony counts of Burglary, multiple counts of Petit Larceny along with counts of Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance and of a Hypodermic Instrument.
Ellis has been locked up and held in lieu of $15,000 bail.

The Bills winning against the Patriots this weekend would help their playoff chances, but some teams losing could be extremely important, too.
A Colts win against the Ravens on Saturday would be a win for Buffalo.
The fate of a Bills postseason could come down to a couple key losses.

Evening News Briefing

Zordaida Rodriguez

Zordaida Rodriguez

A Mount Morris woman has been charged with kidnapping, robbery and assault.
30 year old Zordaida Rodriguez is behind bars accused of abducting and beating a 28 year old farm worker in the town of Castile..
Deputies said Rodriguez and several other suspects lured their victim out of his home last Sunday night.
Authorities said they then pistol whipped beat and robbed the man of his cellphone and money.
He was driven around for half an hour before he was able to escape in the Livingston County Town of Nunda (Nun-day).
He suffered non-life threatening injuries to his head and face.
Rodriguez has been jailed in lieu of $250,000 bail.
Authorities are seeking other suspects in the case.
Anyone with information is asked to contact the Wyoming County Sheriff’s Office.


A Livingston County woman arrested for burglary in the Town of Warsaw.
Wyoming County lawmen say 28 year old Brittney Ellis of Hunt entered a business on Route 20A in Warsaw last week and helped herself to over 5-thosuand dollars from the cash drawer.
Ellis has been locked up and held in lieu of $15,000 bail.


Three Batavia residents collared for allegedly selling dope in Wyoming County.
The trio was arrested as part of the Wyoming County Drug Task Force Operation Frosty.
Arrested were: 47 Richard Barber of Garfield Avenue; 45 year old Derrick Washington of State Street and 29 year old Louis Mercado of Dillenger Ave.
All three are behind bars in Wyoming County.
More arrests are expected next month.


The Bills winning against the Patriots this weekend would help their playoff chances, but some teams losing could be extremely important, too. A Colts win against the Ravens on Saturday would be a win for Buffalo.
The fate of a Bills postseason could come down to a couple key losses.


A Buffalo woman is going to prison for biting off a man’s ear.
Chris Orgovan pleaded guilty this summer to assault for biting off a man’s ear during an argument.
Paramedics were able to find the ear and doctors reattached it.
Orgovan was sentenced to three-years.

Wyoming County Drug Task Force arrest seven in “Operation Frosty”

Press Release:

Members of the Wyoming County Drug Task announce the arrests of six individuals for allegedly selling narcotics in Wyoming County and another for perjury. Over the past four weeks officers arrested the following individuals as part of “OPERATION FROSTY”.

On 12/13/17, Richard BARBER, age 47, of Garfield Avenue, Batavia, NY, was arrested and charged with Criminal Sale of a Controlled Substance in the 3rd Degree and Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the 3rd Degree. BARBER is accused of selling Methamphetamine (Meth) in August of 2017 while in the Town of Warsaw. BARBER is currently being held in the Wyoming County Jail in lieu of $25,000 cash bail.

On 12/06/17, Raven HOUSTON, age 24, of Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY, was charged with 11 counts of Perjury in the 1st Degree. HOUSTON is accused of lying to a Wyoming County Grand Jury on a drug related investigation in the Town of Warsaw. She was released on her own recognizance.


12/05/17, Carlos TORRES, age 42, of Maria Street, Rochester, NY, was charged with 2 counts of Criminal Sale of a Controlled Substance in the 3rd Degree and 2 counts of Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the 3rd Degree. TORRES is accused of selling Cocaine on 2 occasions while in the Town of Middlebury. Bail was set at $50,000 cash and he was returned to the Monroe County Jail where he is being held on other drug related charges.

12/01/17, Derrick WASHINGTON, age 45, of State Street, Batavia, NY, was charged with 2 counts of Criminal Sale of a Controlled Substance in the 3rd Degree and 2 counts of Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance with intent to sell. WASHIMGTON is accused of selling Crack Cocaine on 2 occasions while in the Village of Attica. Subject is currently in the Wyoming County Jail in lieu of $5,000 cash bail.


11/30/17, Korin LEONARD, age 21, of Freedom Road, Freedom, NY, was arrested and charged with Criminal Sale of a Controlled Substance in the 3rd and 5th Degrees and Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the 3rd and 5th Degrees. LEONARD is accused of selling Methamphetamine (Meth) and Cocaine on 2 occasions in the Village of Arcade. Subject was released after posting $5,000 bail.

11/30/17, Louis MERCADO, age 29, of Dillenger Street, Batavia, NY, was arrested and charged with 2 counts of Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the 3rd Degree, and Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the 3rd Degree. MERCADO is accused of selling “Crack Cocaine” on 2 occasions while in the Village of Attica. Subject is currently being held in lieu of $10,000 cash bail.


11/30/17, Javier ALVAREZ, age 38, of Hopkins Street, Mount Morris, NY, was charged with 2 counts of Criminal Sale of a Controlled Substance in the 3rd Degree and 2 counts of Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the 3rd Degree. Subject is accused of selling Heroin and a Heroin/Fentanyl mix in the Village of Perry. Subject is being held in lieu of $5,000 cash bail.

Sheriff Greg Rudolph says,

“These arrests were pursuant Wyoming County Court Arrest Warrants following Indictments and the involvement of District Attorney, Donald O’Geen’s, Office. The Wyoming County Drug Task Force is committed to doing our part in the midst of this drug epidemic, which includes a strong stance on enforcement and honing our investigations on the dealers who gain off of other’s addictions. The various locations of these crimes are indicative of the scope of the problem here in Wyoming County. The Wyoming County Drug Task Force is additionally wrapping up investigations on several other drug dealers and more arrests are expected in January. We continue to seek help from the public in identifying drug activity, which can be reported to our Confidential Tip Line at: 585-786-8965.”

WCSO: Kidnapping/Robbery Arrest

Press Release:

Members of the Wyoming County Sheriff’s Office with the assistance of the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office arrested a Mount Morris woman following a violent incident on Route 39 in the Town of Castile on Sunday evening.

Zoraida RODRIGUEZ, age 30, has been charged with Kidnapping in the 2nd Degree, Robbery in the 1st Degree, and Assault in the 2nd Degree, following her alleged involvement in which a 28 year old farm worker was abducted and beaten.

The investigation revealed that RODRIGUEZ along with several other suspects “lured” the victim out of his residence around 10 PM Sunday evening, at which time he was pistol whipped, beaten, and robbed of his cell phone and money. He was driven around for approximately 30 minutes before he was able to escape after the suspects had stopped roadside in the Town of Nunda, Livingston County.

The victim was able to flee into a field and sought assistance. The victim sustained non-life threatening head and facial injuries.

RODRIGUEZ was arraigned in the Town of Gainesville Court at which time bail was set at $250,000 cash or $500,000 bond.

Sheriff Greg Rudolph says,

“The arrest of Zoraida Rodriguez is just the beginning in resolving this case. The investigation is ongoing as more information is being developed into the identities of the other suspects and additional arrests are forthcoming. Anyone with information, please contact the Wyoming County Sheriff’s Office at 585-786-8989 or the Confidential Tip Line at 585-786-8965.”

Livingston County Woman behind bars following burglary in Warsaw

28 year old Brittany Ellis of Hunt in Livingston County was arrested by Wyoming County Law Enforcement following a traffic stop on Wednesday night on South Main Street in Warsaw.

She was stopped for alleged vehicle and traffic infractions and was allegedly driving without a license while impaired by drugs.

Ellis was also under investigation for allegedly repeatedly stealing money from the cash drawer of a business in Warsaw.

Additionally investigators accused her of being in possession of seven hypodermic syringes along with Suboxone.

Ellis is facing two Class D Felonies for Burglary, multiple counts of Petit Larceny along with counts of Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance and of a Hypodermic Instrument.

She was remanded to the Wyoming County Jail in lieu of $15,000 bail.

Fillmore man busted for drugged driving in LeRoy crash

Genesee County Sheriff’s Deputies were called to Lake Street Road in LeRoy for report of a single car crash in July.

Following investigation into the incident, 23 year old David Welninski of Fillmore in Allegany County was taken into custody and charged with Driving While Ability Impaired by Drugs.

He was additionally charged with Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance and of a Hypodermic Instrument and was issued an appearance ticket for LeRoy Town Court.

Morning News Briefing

Albion mother jailed for pushing drugs with the help of her teenage daughter.
The alleged drug dealing duo of 37 year old Amanda Laraby and her 16 year old daughter were arrested following a traffic stop on West Ave in Albion.
Members of the Orleans County Major Felony Crime Task Force took the pair into custody Wednesday where they seized a quantity of oxycodone and hydrocodone pills as a result of the investigation.
Laraby also known as Amanda Streeter was allegedly using her daughter to assist pushing the pills in Lyndonville, and Albion.
Laraby was arraigned in Albion town on six felony counts for criminal sale and possession of a controlled substance and was remanded to the Orleans county jail in lieu of $50,000 bail.
Her 16 year old daughter was hit two lesser felony counts for drug sale and possession and was released to a relative.
According to authorities additional charges including possible Medicaid and welfare fraud are currently pending.

Convicted drug dealer wanted by Batavia Police.
Police are looking for Charles “Gusto” Williams and seeking public assistance in an attempt to locate him.
There are two warrants out for William’s arrest one for Criminal Sale of a Controlled Substance and another for Criminal Contempt.
After being released pending sentencing he allegedly violated an order protection and then failed to show for his sentencing on the drug conviction.
Anyone with information on Williams’ whereabouts is encouraged to call Police at 911.
They also alert residents to not approach Williams if he is located.

Sex abuser sentenced to 15 years in Genesee County Court.
39 year old David Atkinson was sentenced yesterday by Judge Zambito who said he believes the victim, a former Pembroke resident and said Atkinson was beyond rehabilitation.
He attacked the girl threatening her with a claw hammer and live streamed the acts to another man in Darien.
Atkinson was found guilty following his August trial.

The Bills winning against the Patriots this weekend would help their playoff chances, but some teams losing could be extremely important too.
“The Democrat and Chronicle” listed teams Bills fans should be rooting against this weekend.
A Colts win against the Ravens on Saturday would be a win for Buffalo.
If the Jets win against the Chargers then root for the Rams over the Titans.
The fate of a Bills postseason could come down to a couple key losses.

Winter weather advisories are in place and commuters across Western New York are asked to take their time this morning.
Parts of the region could see up to five inches of snow and a thin coating of ice.
Forecasters are calling for nasty winter weather to continue through tomorrow.
The winter storms are expected to hit areas right along the Thruway.

Evening News Briefing

Batavia Police are looking for Charles “Gusto” Williams.
Gusto had been released from custody while awaiting sentencing on two counts of drug sales.
Police say he failed to show up for his sentencing and also violated an order of protection. Anyone with information about Gusto’s whereabouts is asked to call Batavia Police.


Sheriff William Sheron

A simple reminder to employees of local businesses in time of an emergency.
Genesee County Sheriff William Sheron on WBTA’s Main and Center program this morning. He offered some advice to business owners should their employees ever have to call for 9-1-1

The Sheriff also reminded last minute holiday shoppers to keep their vehicles locked and items out of view to deter possible theft.


Travis Tritt

A country music star to play The Ridge in LeRoy this summer.
Two-time Grammy Award winner Travis Tritt will play a concert at The Frostridge Campground August 24th
Tritt is the first headliner announced for the annual summer concert series, Jam at the Ridge.
Tickets will go on sale after the first of the year.



Governor Andrew Cuomo wants to criminalize revenge porn, forcing the people who post it online to register as sex offenders. The “New York Post” says the governor will unveil his proposal in his upcoming State of the State Address. New York is one of a dozen states that haven’t already made distributing revenge porn a crime. Cuomo’s plan also outlaws what he calls “sextortion,” or threatening someone into having non-consensual sex.

It’ll be a fitting start to the first day of winter in Western New York.
Freezing temperatures are expected across the region with our area expecting snow tonight into the early morning hours tomorrow.
Up to three inches of the white stuff is expected

Holiday Greetings From Assemblyman Steve Hawley

News Release

A Statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia)

“The end of the year holiday season is an invaluable time in that it provides a warmth and comfort unique to many other holidays we experience. There’s nothing like joining one’s closest family and friends around the gentle ambiance of a steady snowfall to exchange gifts amidst your favorite Christmas movie. The new year provides us the time to reflect on what we have accomplished the previous year and use missed opportunities to inspire us to set more aggressive goals, opportunities and challenges for ourselves.

“As we soak up this relaxing time of year away from the hustle and bustle of our stressful lives, let us not forget the dedicated servicemen and servicewomen who are forgoing the holidays with their families to protect our freedom and way of life. The sacrifices of our veterans and active duty military make it possible for us to enjoy this sacred time of year.

“Furthermore, I know how holiday shopping can place added financial and emotional stress on many families as we strive to beat the Christmas Eve crowds and find that perfect gift for a loved one or friend. But, please keep in mind during this time that many families are not fortunate enough to afford lavish gifts and meals. This could be your co-worker, your neighbor, family member or friend. I encourage everyone who has the means to consider volunteering or making a donation to one of the great organizations we have in our community this year and you will be helping a family more than you know.”

• The Salvation Army provides clothing and other necessities to those in need during the holiday season. Donate today by visiting http://empire.salvationarmy.org/.

• Consider donating a holiday basket to a needy family through the Community Action of Orleans and Genesee by visiting http://www.caoginc.org/.

• Make a child’s Christmas wish come true by donating to Toys for Tots at www.toysfortots.org.

• Consider volunteering or donating with the Ministry of Concern’s many great community programs-(585)-589-9210 http://www.ministryofconcern.com/home.html

Morning News Briefing

Perry man accused of giving teenager alcohol then forcibly touching them.
38 year old Brandon Bradley of Perry was arrested following investigation by Perry Police into an alleged incident involving an 18 year old male.
Bradley was accused of supplying alcohol to the teenager and then sexually interacting with him without his consent.
He was taken into custody yesterday and is facing charges of unlawfully dealing with a minor for providing the alcohol, along with a count of forcible touching.
Bradley was ordered to be held in the Wyoming County Jail in lieu of $25,000 bail and is expected back in court on January 9th.

Heavy losses following fire at a business in Arcade.
The fire was reported shortly after 11 o’clock Tuesday morning at 400 Main Street in Arcade at Prestolite Electric Incorporated.
Five fire companies were drawn to the scene, battling the blaze for around an hour and a half.
There were no injuries reported and the estimated damage was at a quarter million dollars.
According to Officials the source of the fire was from a vent stack on a casting machine.

Grand Jury Indicts Batavia Teen on a litany of serious charges.
19 year old Davon St. John of Oak Street in the city is facing a 17 count indictment in connection with a string of burglaries in Batavia.
He is accused of burglarizing three city homes this fall where he allegedly took numerous valuable items such as electronics, jewelry, cash and .357 revolver.
After multiple arrests this year St. John was most recently arrested for petit larceny at T.F Browns restaurant in Batavia.

Trucker in Attica arrested for driving dangerously drunk.
Attica Police report the arrest 49 year old Robert Cummings of Exchange Street, Attica.
Police said he was arrested earlier this month after driving erratically on Market Street in the Village.
Cummings who is a local trucker was stopped driving a big rig and allegedly recorded a blood alcohol count more than five times the legal limit.

A new state law is allowing all school bus drivers to administer epinephrine injections in an emergency.
The change went into effect Tuesday and expands the previous law, which only allowed drivers employed by a school district to administer the shots.
The new law does not require districts to keep epinephrine on the bus.

Evening News Briefing

The Genesee County Grand Jury has indicted a Batavia man on 17 counts of Grand larceny and other charges in connection with a string of burglaries.
19 year old Davon St.John is accused of burglarizing homes on Ellicott, Montclair and Union Avenues last fall. Two homes were broken into more than once.
St. John allegedly took a variety items including electronic devices, jewelry, cash and .357 revolver.
St. John was most recently collared for petit larceny at T.F Browns restaurant in Batavia.

Attica Police announced today the arrest of a local trucker suspected of driving a big rig with a blood alcohol count more than five times the legal limit.
49 year old Robert Cummings of Exchange Street, Attica, was arrested earlier this month driving on Market Street in the Village.

Another arrest for the Genesee County Local Drug Task Force.
32 year old Lamar Randall of Batavia, known on the street as “L-Boog,” is charged with four Felony Counts for alleged sale and possession of crack cocaine.
Randall is now in the Genesee County Jail, held without bail.

Flu season is early this year.
According to a recent report by the state health department, flu cases were up in New York by 45-percent from the week before.
Genesee and Monroe are a couple of the counties in Western New York being hit the hardest. The health department says the best time to get vaccinated is as soon as possible.

It could be a white Christmas in Western New York.
Forecasters say Buffalo has a higher probability for a snowy Christmas than almost any other large US city.
A European weather model predicts that it will start snowing in Western New York around the middle of Christmas day.

Semi-Truck driver stopped in Attica over five times the legal limit

Attica Police were called on December 3rd for report of a semi-truck driving erratically on Market Street in Attica.

After being stopped by police on Alexander Road, 49 year old Robert Cummings of Exchange Street in Attica was taken into custody for DWI.

Cummings allegedly recorded a Blood Alcohol Content of .21 percent which is five times the legal limit for a commercial driver.

Cummings was hit with multiple counts of DWI along with traffic and vehicle infractions and is scheduled to appear on January 8th in Attica Village Court.

Perry Police interrupt a burglary in progress

Officers began investigation into a burglary in progress Sunday afternoon in the Village of Perry.

They arrested 25 year old Scott Davis of Perry and charged him with Criminal Mischief and Criminal Trespassing.

Davis was accused of trying to gain entrance to a residence after allegedly entering a neighbor’s backyard and breaking a window.

He was released on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket for Perry Village Court on January 9th.

Hawley Reminds Residents of Upcoming Flood Recovery Applications Deadlines

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I- Batavia) today reminded residents and business owners affected by Lake Ontario’s historic flooding this past spring of the upcoming federal and state application deadlines to receive financial assistance relating to damages they may have.

“Lake Ontario’s devastating flooding has caused a great deal of hardship, both emotional and financial, for many residents and business owners along the shoreline,” Hawley said. “Fortunately, there are many resources available to aid in recovery, and I encourage all residents and business owners to keep a close eye on the upcoming deadlines and submit their applications accordingly. As always throughout this difficult time, my office is available to assist in this process so please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.”

Applications for New York’s Small Business Recovery Fund through Empire State Development are due on December 29, 2017 and more information can be found here. Eligible Private Non-Profit organizations can also receive funding through the U.S. Small Business Administration. Applications are due by January 16, 2018 and more information can be found here.

Legislature Approves Appointment of Jason Molino as County Administrator

Posted by Tompkins County Government:

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Legislature, by unanimous vote, confirmed the appointment of Jason Molino, currently City Manager of the City of Batavia, NY, as Tompkins County Administrator, effective January 29, 2018. In a second unanimous vote, the Legislature approved an annual salary for the position of $130,000 for 2018, which falls above the position’s current salary range. The action also indicates that the County Administrator will be eligible to receive the same fringe benefits and annual salary adjustments as those provided other management staff as negotiated and upon ratification of the County’s CSEA White Collar union.

A credentialed local government management professional by the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) with diversified experience in public administration, Mr. Molino has served as the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Fiscal Officer of the City of Batavia since 2006 and for two years before that as Assistant to the Village Manager for the Village of Port Chester, New York.

Legislature Chair Michael Lane congratulated Mr. Molino on behalf of the Legislature, and said that, among the things that had impressed the Legislature was that, after applying, he had taken the time to attend some of the meetings of the Legislature and its committees. “This is a feather in his cap,” Lane said.

“Thank you for the warm welcome,” the new Administrator said. “It’s an honor to be selected.” Molino added that he has watched Tompkins County government from afar over the years, and that “it’s a pleasure to be part of this team.”

Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee Chair Jim Dennis, who chaired the search committee, remarked, “I’m pleased with the work of the committee and the people involved in it—another good process that the County has had to pick people for very important jobs.”


Click here for a link to the original posting.

Records set in betting and purses paid out at Batavia Downs

Press Release:

By Tim Bojarski, for Batavia Downs

The 2017 Batavia Downs summer-fall meet that ended on Saturday (Dec. 16) left track management feeling good after setting records for total betting and purse money paid out during the year.

The track’s export signal drew an increased handle of 15.9% over 2016 and total betting was up 8.1% (over $600,000) with 17 less races than last year. That produced $8.2 million dollars wagered on the live harness racing product which was the most ever handled at Batavia Downs during a meet since Western Regional OTB purchased and reopened the track in 2002.

The Downs also set a record handle in their Pick-5 wager when the pool reached $25,312 as a result of being part of the USTA Strategic Wagering Program on Wednesday (Nov. 22).

Total purses paid out including New York Sire Stakes were $6,072,800, the first time ever the track distributed in excess of $6 million in purse money.

The 2017 meet was also the first time Batavia Downs adopted a new 5 p.m. post time on Wednesdays and that seemed to contribute to the better numbers witnessed from the off-track outlets as handle was up 25% from the export signal mid-week. It was also a big reason the track eclipsed the $8 million mark in total handle.

A quality product on the track drove those numbers along with a closely contested driver’s race that saw three reinsmen with a shot at the title all year.

When the dust had cleared, Larry Stalbaum won his first ever Batavia Downs driving title with 134 wins. Second was Ray Fisher Jr. with 124 and just one back in third was Drew Monti with 123.

On the conditioner side, Kim Asher also won her first Batavia Downs training title in a romp with 94 wins, 52 ahead of JD Perrin who was second with 42. Maria Rice was third with 40 victories.

Post one won 201 out of the 808 races run followed by post four with 135 and post three with 123.

Favorites won 45% of the time during the course of the meet.

“When the lights went down for the last time this year and we looked at the numbers, we were very happy with the results we saw” said Todd Haight, Director/General Manager of Live Racing at Batavia Downs. “We had great action on the track with competitive, bettable races and the money wagered through the windows shows our customers felt the same way.”

Upon approval of the New York State Gaming Commission, live racing will resume at Batavia Downs on Monday, July 23, 2018.

The Lions Club annual Basketball Tournament has a new name

Peter Arras convinced his fellow Lions Club members in Batavia Thirty-five years ago to start a Christmas basketball tournament.

Arras then ran the tournament for more than three decades.

Arras was honored at the tournament’s annual kick-off dinner this week,  and the tournament was officially renamed The Peter Arras GCC Basketball Tournament.

Lions member Ross Fanara,

Arras passed away in October at age 77.

His family was in attendance for the dinner, including his widow Nancy Arras, who received a memorial clock from the club.

For more on the story check the article by our news partner The Batavian.

Morning News Briefing

Hawley hails victory for local non-profit fundraising.
New Legislation has passed that will make Not for profit fundraising through raffles less stressful.
A few years ago the Stafford Fire Department was singled out for conducting an illegal car raffle, discouraging many other non-profits from hosting similar functions.
Assemblyman Steve Hawley of Batavia championed the issue and sponsored the Charitable Gaming Act which has now been signed into law.

The rule only applies to tickets sold by organizations within their own county or a contiguous county.
The States Gaming Commission will review and possibly tweak the legislation and the new law will take effect in six months.

Oak Street man Indicted on 17 counts for rash of Batavia burglaries.
19 year old Davon St. John of Batavia was indicted on felony counts including Grand Larceny and Criminal Possession of a Firearm following a slew of Batavia burglaries that occurred in this fall.
St. John allegedly burglarized three residences on Ellicott Avenue, Montclair Avenue and Union Avenue on multiple occasions.
He is accused of taking a variety of expensive items including numerous electronic devices, jewelry, a .357 revolver a 2004 Jeep.
St John has been arrested multiple times this past year and was most recently apprehended last Thursday for petit larceny at T.F Browns in Batavia.

Jail without bail for a Walnut Place resident accused of dealing drugs.
32 year old Lamar Randall Also known as “L-Boog” of Batavia was arrested by the Genesee County Local Drug Task Force following investigation into crack cocaine sales around the City.
He was charged with four Class B Felony Counts for sale and possession of a controlled substance.
Randall was accused of selling crack to a Task Force agent on two separate occasions.
He was committed to the County Jail without bail.

For the first time in over a decade Batavia will need to appoint a new city manager.
The Tompkins County Legislature has unanimously approved Jason Molino to become the administrator in Ithaca, with an effective start date of January 29th.
Since last summer, Batavia has been accepting applications for the vacant assistant city manager position.
Council President Gene Jankowski tells us the search for an assistant manager will likely be put on hold.

Jankowski says the city will probably name an interim manager to handle day to day operations until a permanent manager is hired.

Byron-Bergen Student Awarded William F Brown Scholarship

News Release: The Jerome Foundation

Cora Ivison, a graduating senior from Byron-Bergen Central School, has been selected as the 2017 recipient of the William F. Brown Memorial Scholarship. She will receive a $1000 scholarship sponsored by The Jerome Foundation.

The William F. Brown Memorial Scholarship is an annual scholarship given to a deserving graduating senior boy or girl in Genesee County, and graduating from a high school in Genesee County, whose intention is to pursue a degree in the field of Journalism, Communications, or Public Relations (in print, radio, television, or digital media).

The award is given in memory of the late William F. Brown, Jr., a noted author, broadcaster, and journalist who contributed greatly to the quality of life in Genesee County through his writing, and as a member of numerous community and civic organizations.

Miss Ivison is attending Canisius College and pursuing a degree in communications.

Evening News Briefing

Not for profit organizations can breathe a little easier when raising money through raffles.
A chill was sent through the non-profit community a couple of years ago when the Stafford Fire Department was singled out for conducting an illegal raffle.
The fire department, like many non-profits, conducted raffles as a means of raising funds for various good causes.
Now, Governor Cuomo has signed a measure sponsored by Batavia Assemblyman Steve Hawley, easing the rules on not-for-profit raffles. Hawley telling WBTA News:

The rule only applies to tickets sold by organizations within their own or contiguous counties. The new law takes effect in six months.

For the first time in 12 years, Batavia is looking for a new city manager.
Jason Molino is leaving to become the administrator for Tompkins County in Ithaca, a position he is expected to assume by the middle of next month.
Batavia has been accepting applications for the post of assistant city manager since last summer. Council President Gene Jankowski tells us the search for an assistant manager will likely be put on hold:

Jankowski says the city will probably name an interim manager to handle day to day operations until a permanent manager is hired:

One culprit in a battery cable caper in Genesee County has admitted his guilt.
Jordan Prentice was recently picked up in Arizona.
He has pled guilty to his role in the 2014 theft of copper cables from at least 50 buses at Lutz Sales in Oakfield.
He has been promised a sentence of no more than one year of shock probation.

An Orleans County man is accused of raping a teenage girl.
Deputies say they arrested 22-year-old Nicholas Preston of Albion.
He’s accused of having unlawful sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl in Ridgeway.
Preston is being held in the Orleans County in lieu of 25-hundred-dollars bail.

A Wind Advisory remains in effect for Genesee County until 7 tonight.
Unofficial wind gusts over 45 miles per hour have been recorded.
A wind gust is suspected of blowing out the front window of the Travelore Travel Agency on East Main Street earlier today.

Byron woman busted for drugged driving after blowing stop sign in Bergen

32 year old Denise Busiere of Townline Road in Byron was stopped on Route 19 in Bergen after she allegedly failed to stop at a stop sign.

Busiere was taken into custody for Driving While Ability Impaired by Drugs and following investigation she was additionally charged with Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance along with vehicle and traffic infractions.

She was released with an appearance ticket for Bergen Town Court on January 10th.

Battery cable bandit picked up in Arizona for a 2014 Oakfield theft

Jordan Prentice was indicted in 2014 on a count of Criminal Possession of Stolen Property as the accomplice in a battery cable larceny in Oakfield.

Prentice was charged along with Jeremy Dean Lyons for stealing the heavy copper wires from 50 different buses at Lutz Sales on Judge Road.

Prentice was recently apprehended in Arizona and appeared in Genesee County Court yesterday where he pleaded guilty to Grand Larceny with the promise of no more than a sentence of shock probation.

He was released under supervision of Genesee Justice to await sentencing next month.

For more on the story check the article by our news partner The Batavian.


Hawley Announces Charitable Gaming Act Signed into Law

News Release

A Statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia)

“This is a tremendous victory and crucial first step toward reforming our gaming laws for the tens of thousands of non-profits, fire departments, churches, Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs and charitable organizations throughout the state.

“After a long uphill climb, and with much help from my colleagues in the Assembly and Senate, we have made important changes to New York’s gaming laws that open the conversation and serve as a catapult to tackle more changes this year.

“I would like to personally thank Assemblyman Robin Schimminger (D-Buffalo) for carrying this bill in our house and Senators Patrick Gallivan (R-Elma), Michael Ranzenhofer (R-Amherst) and Rob Ortt (R-North Tonawanda) for championing this cause in the Senate. I would also like to thank all the constituents and local groups who contacted my office and the governor’s office expressing their support for this bill.

“The law will take effect in 180 days and the New York State Gaming Commission will make any necessary tweaks. I am so proud of the work we have done and I am hopeful that moving forward we continue to advocate for our charitable and non-profit organizations and make more changes to the state’s gaming laws.”

State Police Take Part in “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over”

News Release: New York State Police

The New York State Police announced today participation in the national enforcement initiative to crack down on impaired driving this holiday season

The New York State Police will participate in the national “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign, from Friday, December 15, 2017 through Monday, January 1, 2018. Drivers can expect to see sobriety checkpoints, along with more troopers on roadways during the campaign.

In addition to the DWI checkpoints and patrols, Troopers will be watching for distracted drivers, vehicle occupants who are not properly buckled up, and drivers violating the “Move Over Law,” which requires motorists to exercise extreme caution when passing emergency vehicles that are stopped in or on the side of the road. State Police will also conduct underage drinker enforcement details statewide.
Superintendent George P. Beach II said, “Our members work vigilantly year-round to keep our roadways safe and prevent the needless tragedies that result from impaired and reckless driving. However, our goal during the ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ campaign is to step up our efforts during the holiday celebration season to reduce impaired driving crashes and remind motorists to make responsible driving decisions. To ensure that your holiday is a safe one for you and your loved ones, do not get behind the wheel of a vehicle if you’ve been drinking and make safety a priority when traveling this holiday season.”

During the campaign, Troopers will be using both marked State Police vehicles and Concealed Identity Traffic Enforcement (CITE) vehicles as part of the operation. The CITE vehicles allow Troopers to more easily identify motorists who are using handheld devices while driving. CITE vehicles allow the Trooper to better observe distracted driving violations. These vehicles blend in with every day traffic, but are unmistakable as emergency vehicles once the emergency lighting is activated.

During last year’s crackdown, State Police issued 33,153 tickets. Of those tickets more than 11,319 were for speeding, 1,107 were for distracted driving and 421 for the “Move Over Law.” There were also 571 people arrested for DWI and 15 people killed in crashes.

To keep our roads safer this holiday season, the New York State Police and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration offer these tips:

· Plan a safe way home before the celebrating begins;
· Before drinking, designate a sober driver;
· If you’re impaired, use a taxi or ridesourcing service, call a sober friend or family member, or use public transportation;
· Use your community’s sober ride program;
· If you happen to see a drunk driver on the road, don’t hesitate to contact local law enforcement;
· If you know someone who is about to drive or ride while impaired, take their keys and help them make other arrangements to get to their destination safely.

Holiday Spirit Abounds at Byron-Bergen Schools

Caption: Volunteers from the Byron-Bergen learning community packed over 100 food baskets and delivered them during the weekend of December 16.

News Release: Byron-Bergen School District

Bergen, NY ~ Members of the Byron-Bergen Central School District’s learning community can always be counted on to provide assistance to neighbors in need during the holidays. For many years, district students, teachers, staff, and administrators have worked together with local partners to make the season happier for everyone in the Byron-Bergen area. This year’s Holiday Community Service program collected toys and games, clothing items, rolls of wrapping paper, boxes for wrapping gifts, and over 1,200 non-perishable food items. In addition, close to $4,000 was donated by the faculty, staff, and others in our learning community to purchase gifts for district families in need. Many area businesses also helped out by “adopting” local families and individuals, providing special holiday gifts.

The district partnered with the local Hesperus Lodge No. 837 Free & Accepted Masons, where donated items were taken for sorting and packing. Organized by Dick Sands, the Masons and employees from both the Byron-Bergen Elementary and Jr./Sr. High schools, Board of Education members, and community volunteers pitched in to help. More school volunteers help deliver over 100 food baskets and gifts before the holidays.

“The magic of this special season is the community spirit it inspires in so many of us,” said District Superintendent Mickey Edwards. “I am so proud of the generosity shown by all of our students and by everyone in our schools.”

A big part of the program’s success this year was the contribution made by the Varsity Club Holiday Food Drive. Student athletes from the high school pulled together to collect more than 850 food items—a record amount. The drive was organized by student officers Leah Thompson, president; MaKenzie Muoio, vice-president; Morgan Fuller, secretary and Lucas Stucchio, treasurer, and the hard work was provided by the girls and boys basketball and swim teams, and the cheerleading team. Team members pooled their competitive spirit to make the challenge more fun: it became a contest, won by the Cheer Team who collected over 300 items. Varsity team members from all three seasons of sport at Byron-Bergen perform community service throughout the school year, with projects like the annual Lift-a-thon, the Retro Apparel Sale, and the spring Blood Drive.

Caption: Varsity Club members with a few of the hundreds of donated items collected for the Holiday Food Drive.

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Batavia brought in the New Year with fireworks last night at 9p at Batavia Downs.  The time was moved up to avoid potential hazards due to the high winds that arrived after midnight, the original time of the fireworks.  No reports of major damage today due to the high winds but be aware of tree limbs and downed power lines in your area.

A grand jury has indicted a man who was arrested over the summer at the August 10th Jason Aldean concert at Darien Lake.  Robert Maharrey was indicted for disorderly conduct, multiple counts of harassment for striking a female patron in the face, 2nd degree assault a class D violent felony for allegedly striking a sheriff’s deputy, assaulting a police officer a class C violent felony when he spit and struck another deputy assisting in the arrest.

Friday evening Livingston County Sheriffs were in the middle of the state wide stop DWI effort, when deputies pulled a vehicle over on 390 for speeding.  Upon further investigation a 27 year old Geneseo man Patrick Dunn was charged with DWI.  Dunn’s BAC was .25% and was further charged with felony DWI from a previous 2015 conviction.  Dunn is now being held on 1,5k bail or 3k bond and remanded to the custody of the sheriff.

Yesterday afternoon, Genesee County Sheriffs made a traffic stop in Oakfield on Lewiston road when a Rochester man, 20 year old Damian Schoonmaker of Smith Street was found to be in possession of marijuana in his 2000 Buick LeSabre.  He was charged with unlawful possession of marijuana and is scheduled to appear in Oakfield town court 1/21

A motor vehicle accident yesterday in Elba led to a lane closure around 3:30p.  Two vehicle collided at Oak orchard and Lockport roads in Elba.  Elba fire police and 2 ambulance responded along with Elba Fire dept.

New Yorkers are seeing a number of new state laws in the New Year.  Among them, a law that requires diaper changing tables in all new public men’s and women’s restrooms.

Other changes include a requirement that health insurance companies give male patients free prostate cancer screenings and that residents be allowed to return unused prescription meds to pharmacies for free.

Many homeowners will enjoy an increase in property tax rebates, of an average of more than five-hundred dollars.

There’s the hike in the minimum wage. In our area, the minimum wage goes to eleven-dollars-and-ten-cents.

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